

Agar-agar is extracted from seaweed Gracilaria.
It is an excellent gelling agent and thickener as well as a natural source of vegetable origin dietary fiber.

There are many fields of application:

Confectionery (water dessert jellies, sweets, candies, fruit jellies, candy fillings, jellies, and jams)

Pastry and bakery (icings for pastries, cakes, and donuts)

Dairy products (yogurts, milk desserts, fermented dairy products)

Canned meat products (canned meat, meat in jelly)

The use of agar-agar in foods is based on its natural properties:

High gelling capacity

Wide PH working range

Resistance to heat treatment

Large hysteresis

No effect on flavors

Reversible gels

Gel stability

It can be used for other applications and specifications on request.


Off white to snow powder

Water absorption

> 5 times

Congealing point



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